Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Little Girl

I haven't posted photos in a while, partially because I can't stand fiddling with the formatting in blogger... but that is not the topic. Today was Heidi's picture day at dance class, so she had to get all dolled up in her concert costume. It only took me 15 minutes of labouring to get her hair back into a bun, but I managed!!! It is was so much fun getting to do her makeup though. Man that girl has eyelashes that go on forever, I'm so jealous!!! Proffesional photos are always so expensive so I snapped some of mine own in case the proffesional ones were to pricey for my budget. She was so beautiful I couldn't help myself. Well I got a few gorgeous shots that I am going to get printed and framed to hang on the wall of her bedroom next to the 2 balerina pictures my grandma Mimi painted many, many years ago before she passed away. I know she would have loved to see my beautiful Heidi today and probably would have been inspired to paint a third. I don't paint but I must admit that I am quite pleased with my shots and know they will look beautiful hanging on the same wall!!! What a darling little girl I am so blessed to have.

Just on a slightly funnier note. I saw this picture today and the first thought in my head was, "Oh look, that's what my life looks like!!!" Now which of you mums out there can relate :O) teehee

My caption for this photo would be "MUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!" I guess all us mothers feel that way someitmes, even in nature. I guess it's good that we don't shout back "Would you all just SHUUUUTTT UUUPPP" , but you all know we think it sometimes ;) Hope you are having a great day. Lots of Love!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Punishment Part II- The Reaction

I just had to share this because it reconfirmed to me that everything we did with Judah yesterday was the right thing. After the initial tears and carrying on he got over it and got on with the jobs at hand. He weeded the front yard for a good hour and a half and not once did he complain. Then it was dinner time and we all had cheese crisps (fajita's for Murray and I) which are one of Judah's favourite (I promised I didn't plan it that way) and ice cream for sweets. Well Judah sat there and ate his bowl of rice and not one single time did he winge or complain, but instead he happily chatted with us. When the ice cream was served and he didn't get any he just said "OK" and happily finished his rice. As Murray and I were tucking him into bed in his VERY empty room, you will never believe what he said. He gave us the biggest hug and said, "I have the bestest mummy and daddy in the whole world!!! I love you!!!!" There was no bitterness or anger, he accepted the punishment and with love and kindness took on the consequences of his decision. I am so proud of him and I have absolute confidence that many lessons were learnt yesterday, by all of us! :O)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Punishment

Look back at your childhood? Can you remember a certain point in time where you pushed your mum too far and the fall out of discipline was so catastrophic that you can remember every detail of it. As an adult you can see why mum reacted the way she did, but then you couldn't see past the perceived injustice of it. My personal one was the day I called my mum right before she picked me up from school to see if Robin Wick could spend the night. My mum's reply was "No", which I took as, "I will conside it". Well to make a long story short I convinced Robin's mum that my mum said it was OK and so she left. When my mum arrived to pick me up and there was sweet Robin waiting to go home with us, let's just say I was in BIG trouble. The punishment for the crime was that I was not allowed to go to Holli Patton's Surprise Party that night, which of course I didn't know was happening because all the mum's kept it from us till after school to keep it a surprise. My mum took Robin, who wasn't spending the night, and I stayed home. Oh I was furious, it was the first time I ever wanted to throw something in anger, but being the goodie two shoes I was I could only muscle up the courage to throw a pillow at the door. I cried in hysterics for hours, my poor family having to deal with the noise. I don't think I will ever forget that night, or the lesson learnt.

Well the reason I am rambling on about this is because my dear sweet son Judah is having his experience. Having just had 2 weeks of school holidays, lets just say my kids have got to do SOOOOO.... many fun and cool things from taking the train to the city, going to the beach, Judah got to go to a kid's concert with a friend, having a family camp out, the list goes on and on. That's what school holidays are about, doing lots of fun family stuff. Well today is the last day of holidays so this morning we met our friends and went swimming at the pool (the coolest indoor pool I've ever seen!!! It even has a whirlpool), then we went to our friends for lunch, leftover birthday cake and a movie. Well when it was time to go, Judah threw the biggest fit, screaming and crying how he didn't want to go. BUT then he dropped the words that sealed his fate!!! Can you guess what they where? I bet you can!!! "IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" If children had any idea what those 3 words do to a mother's blood pressure they would never use them again!!!! So now my son is getting a lesson in what's fair and what's grace. He is currently bagging everything he owns in his room and carry it out to the shed. What's fair is ONE pair of pants, ONE shirt, ONE pillow, ONE blanket, ONE pair of socks and shoes and NO toys. One of the bags ripped on the way to the shed, so he is now learning that FAIR is cleaning up your own mess, all by yourself. Tonight he will be learning that FAIR is a bowl of rice for dinner. He is learning that FAIR is no TV, NO playing with friends, and NO super-fun activities. He is learning that FAIR is working for what you are given, so he has some chores to do around the house. I am praying that when we are finished with this little practical excercise that he will have learned that what is FAIR is not nearly as nice as what is GRACE. This evening when the emotions of all of it have calmed down we are having a long look at what the Bible has to say about selfishness and Greed, and then we are going to compare it to what the Bible has to say about Thankfulness.

I know some might think I'm being too harsh but I refuse to have children that grow up with this awful sense of entitlement that I see all around me. This attitude that I'm entitled to ... not because I've worked for it or have earnt it, but just because I am. The whole attitude is just plain old GREED. And isn't that whats really gotten the US into this terrible Economic Crisis that their in. An entire nation whose greed has motivated them to spend money they didn't have, and big banks greed that they would lend it to people at ridiculous amounts of interest knowing full well these people couldn't afford it. Doesn't all of this come from this disgusting sense of entitlement?!?!?!? What are we really entitled to? I think if we look long and hard at it, it's not much, and it's certainly not anywhere as much as we think we are!!!! As I write this it's a good reminder to me as well. There are so many things I think are "needs" that are just "wants". It really is a plague in the modern world... but I am on my soap box, so I will step down, and instead pray for my children, and myself and the nations of this world that we would have our eyes opened to the selfishness that is so prevelent in all of us, and that God would give us the wisdom to combat it!!! And I will pray that in 20 years, like me, Judah will see his mum really did do it because she loved him!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

out of the mouth of babes...

"Mummy, I hope daddy gave you an X chromosome so that the boys and girls will be even in our family."

Yes, those are the exact words my five year old son had to say last night after finding out that we are having a baby. Don't ask me where he gets this stuff, but he does certainly get it and I think that the national geographic is going to be more monitored from now on. You see yesterday I had my blood work taken for the pregnancy and the kids couldn't get over the bandages on my arm. So after many digging questions we decided we would just let them in on the seceret.

I wish I had a video camera going because the looks of surprise on their faces where just priceless. Heidi's eyes were as big as saucers as she looked at my belly with excitment, folllowed by "God REALLY put a baby in there just like I prayed!!!" Wesley was washed along the tide of excitment and was very excited even though I don't think he really gets it. And Judah was beside himself with glee. As we were watching a movie together last night, Judah screamed in terror as Wesley jumped on my lap. "HE"S GOING TO SMUSH THE BABY!!!!" After some serious reassurance he trusted us when we said they could sit on my lap without worries. Judah also reminded me that I couldn't have a beer with daddy because alcohol can get through the placenta and can hurt the baby.... So if I have any questions during my pregnancy I will be checking with Judah since he seems to be the resident expert...teeheee :O)

So the cat is out of the bag, and I have a feeling I will have some very funny antics to share between now and the arrival of our little gem. Hope these ones brought as big a smile to your face as they did to mine.