Sunday, September 28, 2008

And then there were 4...

Hello to all. I haven't blogged in a while. Partially because it's been a bit busy and partially because I have been hymming and hawing about rather or not to do this post. But since its all gotten the better of me and because some how some of you have figured it out already, I can't stand to not share... I would like to announce that I am once again pregnant. It's still very early days (I'm about 4 or 5 weeks along) and I know "they" say not to tell anyone untill you are at least 12 weeks along, but I just can't keep such a wonderful seceret, and certainly not for 2 more months. We are very excited and I must admit I am already enjoying the thought of a new little one joining our family at the end of May/ beginning of June. I have started to feel sick much, much earlier then I ever did with the other 3, but no throwing up yet, not that I ever have with any of my pregnancies. I have been very blessed in that way so I try not to complain about the queasiness. We haven't told the kids yet. We are going to wait untill I hit the magic 12 week mark before we tell them just in case something does happen and also because by then they can start to see the changes and then they will only have to wait 6 months instead of 9.

Having 4 changes a lot of things. We are going to need to trade in for a people mover, Judah and Wesley will have to share a room or our study is going to turn into a nursery, we are going to have to get all the baby stuff again because we don't have any of it anymore, and we have to subject our marriage to the stress of choosing a name again (yeah we don't agree at all on names!!!) I already have a list that I like, but we won't even go there yet, 9 months is a long time to fight about names :O)

So that is my news. I am glad I can share it with you. Please be praying for a little one that God would keep him/her safe and sound and that he would be preparing our other 3 chickens for the BIG change. Lots of Love to you all!!!


RachelM said...

yay!! congratulations! I had been wondering if you guys planned on having any more. What a blessing to your family, and Ill be praying for you!

Unknown said...

How did I not see this until today?? I KNEW it though when your Facebook said "time will tell". :) So congratulations! I honestly can't imagine 4 but I know you're a great "Mum". :) I'll be praying for a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy. ♥

Sara said...

yeah, yeah, yeah!!! excited and taking on four could be like the Duggar family hear in the states as she just announced she is pregnant with the 18th child :) But on a serious note, we will praying for a healthy baby and mum...and easy tranisitions to come for your chickadees...lots of love