Well I have surrvived the Teddy Bear Picnic. We had so much fun. We had 9 kids come which was a bit disappointing after all the work I put in, but that said just having 9 certainly made the day's activities more managable. We did painting, and playdough, we made collage accordian books, wore teddy bear masks, and had the most delicious teddy bear themed snacks. The Teddies all had there very own red checked gingham picnic blankets, and we made crepe paper flowers for them. All in all the kids had an absolute blast!!! It took me 4 days getting ready and I am sure it is going to take me 4 days to get everything organised again in the house :O)
I am so glad that my kids are at an age were I can do fun stuff like this. It makes me sad to think that someday they are going to be to big for paints and glue and died feathers and pipe cleaners. I have to admit that I had a little fear that Judah would think it was too baby-ish, but thankfully he thought it all to be a grand idea and had more fun then anyone. I guess each stage brings it's own joys... just saying that reminds me that there is no way I could have done the teddy bear picnic a year ago because I still had a baby toddling around...
So much fun!!! If we didn't live half way around the world then we would have been there too!!! What a good mom or mum to do that for your babes!!!
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